Kangen Water


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Contact: Kimsuong Phan

Phone: 801-792-4707

Email: kimsuongp@gmail.com


Change Your Water, Change Your Life!

    *Healthy Body

*Healthy Mind

*Healthy Finance



You are Mostly Water!

About 70% of an adult’s body is made of water. About 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water.
Water with all its amazing properties is a prerequisite for life. It is the universal
solvent able to dissolve and absorb more compounds than any other liquid.
As the primary ingredient of both blood and lymph, water
transports nutrients and oxygen to all your 100 trillion cells and carries away waste products and carbon dioxide.
Water is a lubricant, which prevents friction between the moving parts in your body, and allows the slippery movement of food through your digestive system. Overall it keeps your
body fluid and flexible. Water additionally stabilizes body temperature because of its high specific heat (property of water that makes it difficult to heat up or cool down).

Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only a few days without water. After oxygen, it is THE most essential element for life and good health. Water is the fundamental and primary terrain or matrix in the human body and it's essential you stay hydrated by drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of pure water a day (or more). Personally I drink about double that (at least 5-6 quarts a day).Most people do not drink enough water and/or drink too many diuretic soft drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol that reinforce dehydration as one of the main stresses we subject
our bodies to. The only way to hydrate the body is by drinking pure water. Studies have shown that seemingly unrelated conditions like dyspeptic pain, stress and depression, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess body weight, chronic fatigue, arthritis, asthma and allergies, insulin-independent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, back problems and a host of lesser complaints are due to dehydration in some way.

8 Benefits of Drinking More Water

1. Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating  

2. Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is
    actually mild dehydration.

3. For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.

4. Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause

5. Water can prevent and alleviate headaches. Dehydration is the main cause of headaches.

6. Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of
    skin to
give it a healthy, glowing appearance.

7. Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.

8. Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential
    for proper circulation.




                 What Kind of Water Should I drink?

Make sure your water is clean and energized. Tap water is not an option, or should not be.
Also, Be careful not to buy generic spring water that might just be bottled tap water,
or tap water put through poor filtration. Aquafina® and Dasani® are terrible choices as they are just filtered tap water and highly acidic (and they are made by Pepsi® and Coca-Cola® respectively). PepsiCo even admitted Aquafina® comes from tap water. Good springs are becoming harder and harder to find (check out

The best option in my opinion (and probably the most practical for most people) is a good water ionizer, like Kangen Water.

Also, make sure you get a good quality shower filter as showering in tap water is as bad as drinking it (chlorine becomes a gas in a hot shower).

                                   How Does The Kangen Water®
                                   Machine Convert Tap Water to Ionized Water

The Kangen Water Machine transforms your ordinary tap water (which may be acidic, contaminated, or chlorinated) into a healthful alkaline drinking water.

Kangen Water Machines filter out the contaminants and harmful chemicals, like chlorine, from your tap water with an anti-bacterial charcoal system.

When the ordinary tap water is going through an ionization process, there is an ionic separation that takes place, and the result is that the water emerges from two different hoses.

The alkaline water, for drinking, comes through one hose, while acid water is sent through the other. These two types of water, then, represent opposites in their use and function in our lives.

Kangen Water® Origins in Japan

Research: There has been more research done in Japan on water than anywhere else. Over 30 years ago the Japanese were plagued with acid rain in their water. Scientists, engineers, and doctors convened to try to solve this problem. Techniques were developed which would provide more alkalinity to the drinking water. A machine was manufactured which would provide healthful, alkaline water.

Enagic, the Manufacturer: A 39 year old Japanese company, named Enagic, developed the   
technology for the Kangen Water Machines. They have provided over 100 Japanese hospitals
and clinics, and over 3000 restaurants with industrial strength ionizers. Enagic is OEM, or an
Original Equipment Manufacturer, meaning that they are involved in the research, development
and distribution of the product. This provides for a higher level of control and quality.

First Home Units: It was in 1997 that Enagic introduced their first consumer unit, so that the  
same benefits, which had been previously been provided by industrial units in restaurants,
hospitals and clinics, would be available in private homes.

And for only a few years, these machines have been available in the United States. The
popularity has been amazing, as are the testimonies of those who have experienced the true
power of the Kangen Water for a healthy lifestyle.

Awards, Recognition: Enagic has received many awards, including that of the Japanese Association of Preventative Medicine for Adult Diseases, a renowned medical association of over 6500 doctors.

Kangen Water® has been a registered trademark of Enagic since 2005.

Kangen Water® History and Science

Water technology, using electrolysis to create negative and positively charged ions, was originally
invented by Russian scientists over 50 years ago.

Japanese Development: Japanese were the first to perfect this process and they started
producing the first water ionizer machines in the 1980′s to be used for hospitals.

The Process: When water passes through electrical energy, it causes the hydrogen within it (H2O) to assume one of two forms. One is hydrogen (H+) that has a positive electrical charge. This water is ‘acidic’. The other form is hydrogen that bonds with an oxygen atom and becomes negatively charged (OH-) and is sometimes referred to as active hydrogen. And this alkaline water is the building block of life itself.

                                                 The Main Benefits of Kangen Water

Acid and Alkaline: So when there are more H+ ions in the water than OH- ions, the water is acidic. When there are more OH- ions than H+ ions, it is healthful and delicious alkaline water.

Micro-clusters: Ionization changes conventional water from an irregular, bulky shape to a hexagonal shape that saturates the body tissue much more efficiently. It is sometimes referred to as micro-clustered water because of its small molecular grouping. These smaller six-sided clusters are much more hydrating and penetrating. They are, therefore, more capable of pushing out the toxins from the body.

High Negative ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential)*: Kangen Water® also has a negative ORP level. Remember how apple slices turn brown when oxidation occurs? Similarly, you should stay away from substances with positive Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), and choose foods and beverages that instead have negative ORP levels.

Meanings of the Japanese Word "Kangen"

Kangen is a japanese word that has several possible translations into English. Consulting with a few on dictionaries I found the below "rough" translations

1. kangen = cajolery
2. kangen = freeboard
3. kangen = leniency & severity
4. kangen = music
5. kangen = reduction
6. kangen = resolution
7. kangen = return to origins
8. kangen = wind and string instruments

This website is dedicated to Kangen Water® which is also sometimes referred to as
alkaline water, ionized water, reduced water, microclustered water, antioxidant water, spa water, miracle water, living water, negative orp water, electron rich water, energized water, electrified water, healthy water, etc.

Several of the above definitions are apropos and poetic to our use of the word Kangen on
this site. Kangen water cajoles your body into health; it allows you to live more leniently with your diet, yet has a degree of severity against disease.

It is music to your body, mind and soul, giving you more energy and health.

Also the word Kangen scientifically means "reduction" or a "reducing" or "antioxidant" water as it has a surplus of electrons (antioxidant) able to quench and reduce free radicals which are one of the main reasons we age.

                                                          Kangen - Return To Origins

Finally it allows us to "return to origins" of healthy living water found in places like Lourdes, France; Nordenau, Germany; Tlacote, Mexico Delhi, India and other natural and healthy spring waters around the planet. Return to Origins can also mean taking the body back to its original "alkaline" state.

Also it can be interpreted to refer to water at it’s original glacial source which is very alkaline due to the minerals in the water. Hexagonal water is only found in nature in the high mountains where it is formed by glacier ice or snow melt. This creates water that is a 6-sided, or hexagonal structure, and approximately 1/3 the size of most water.

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Liên lạc: Kimsuong Phan

Phone: 801-792-4707

Email: kimsuongp@gmail.com